on CFW, go to Settings> System Settings> Data Transfer Utitlity> pick number 1> say no> say no> waiting for transfer> enterġ7. turn on PS3 OFW 4.81 and plug an ethernet cable and connect it to PS3 CFW one.ġ6. on PS3 CFW 4.81, copy the two files into dev_hdd0/game.ġ5. copy NPEB12345 and BLES12345 (the extracted patch update), paste it into folder TEST.ġ2. create a folder named TEST on an external HDD (FAT 32)ġ1. download the patch update for that game (BLES12345) and extract it. when it's done, you can see a new folder exist.ĩ. for instance, the game id is BLES12345, then you must type NPEB12345.Ĩ. double click Convert.bat, type NPxxxxxx, these x are your retail game id. paste it inside Game Convert folder, it will be PS3_GAME, Convert.bat, make_npdata.exeĥ.
copy any PS3_GAME that have LICDIR folder in it, if it doesn't have then you have to find it yourself with LIC.DAT Generator online Ĥ. extract it to C:, it will be PS3>Game Convert>Convert.bat and make_npdata.exeģ. Note that it needs two units of PS3 the CFW as the master and OFW as the target.Ģ. Following the PS3 Game Backups on OFW 4.70 guide, this method by me ( Hibatullah Albatawy on YouTube) details how to make PS3 CFW games work on any PlayStation 3 OFW with a summary from located HERE.